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Productivity Tools

In this section of the blog, we will explore productivity tools designed to simplify your workflow and enable you to concentrate on key aspects of a developer's routine, such as coding, addressing business challenges, and introducing new functionalities. Whether you are looking for the right Integrated Development Editor (IDE), a data visualization tool to present your data effectively, or any other tool aimed at enhancing your productivity, this section provides the solutions you need.

📄️ Pulse

In this post, we are going to look at Pulse, a real-time data visualization tool that allows you to quickly develop interactive, real-time dashboards with little to no effort and easily share it with your colleagues or users. It excels in presenting real-time trade blotters, price graphs, or any contextual or positional data crucial for traders. Tailored specifically for the financial industry, Pulse is particular well suited for managing big data in a time-critical and responsive manner.