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2 posts tagged with "good practice"

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Code Organistation - Your own KDB/Q Library

· 10 min read
Alexander Unterrainer
DefconQ, KDB/Q Developer, Consultant

When I first started working as a software developer in an investment bank, I was initially placed in a C# team. After completing all the onboarding, installing Microsoft Visual Studio and gaining access to my team's codebase, I was finally able to have a look at the project I was going to work on. Little did I know, what nightmare I was about to face. Upon opening the project, I discovered that the average length of each class exceeded 15 thousand lines. Yes, you read that correctly; it's not a typo, but the shocking reality I was faced with. Navigating the code base was hard enough, but making a change without breaking anything seemed to be impossible. Luckily, I eventually transitioned to a team that embraced the concept of code organization.

The importance of code review - Four eyes see more than two

· 6 min read
Alexander Unterrainer
DefconQ, KDB/Q Developer, Consultant

Over the weekend, I performed an update on the version of Docusaurus, the documentation framework utilized for my blog. A major update had been released some time ago, and due to my limited enthusiasm for front-end development, I had been postponing this task as long as possible. However, I finally decided to tackle it this weekend. After reviewing the recommended upgrade instructions provided in the official documentation, I prepared all necessary steps and then started the upgrade. Incrementally I went through all steps, running my blog locally on my laptop, ensuring that I wouldn't break anything. After completing the upgrade, I conducted one final verification to confirm that everything was running as expected in my browser. Satisfied with the results, I committed my changes and pushed them to the repository of my blog.

Now, all that remained was deploying the new version to Github Pages. I executed the command USE_SSH=true yarn deploy as I typically do, pressed enter, and awaited the customary [INFO] messages. However, instead of the expected outcome, I was confronted with a bright, red error message.